2012年11月6日 星期二

大賣場的好紅酒 - Chateau ESCOT 2009


從台南玩了兩天回來後, 把上週從大潤發買來的紅酒挑一支出來試. 媽呀...這豐沛的果味與濃縮感, 是有飛行釀酒師 Michel Rolland 加持過嗎? 可是這款酒才賣5百多啊?!

這支波爾多中級酒莊 Chateau ESCOT 的09年紅酒, 剛開瓶就已經立馬可喝, 略為透氣個30分鐘會更好. 雖然根據大潤發的中文說明, 混釀的葡萄品種有70% 為硬骨頭的卡本內蘇維翁, 可是這種被柔化過的口感, 似乎是採用了近幾年流行的微氧化技術, 所以喝起來是非常商業化的新派風格.

果不其然, 在我仔細搜尋下, 終於發現下面的網頁裡有一段法文說明

透過偉大的Google 翻譯, 其內文轉換為英文後:

"The 2009 vintage shows the image of excellence of this Cru Bourgeois. With a freshness and a sense of elegance, the nose reveals a fruit expressive aromas of black berries and red fruits. A great discovery that we appreciate as well with red meat with chocolate desserts. Bottle of Château Escot 2009 now sports an orange label, with elegance and simplicity. Escot castle is located in the town of Lesparre Médoc, it enjoys a sublime terroir whose vineyard is planted to 70% cabernet sauvignon and 30% merlot. Built in the early eighteenth century, the castle experiencing a real revival thanks to Hubert Rouy, who acquired in 1991. Renovation work long-term is then undertaken by the restoration of the vineyards and cellars. In 2004, his son Bruno, oenologist by training, joined. They operate both with passion 16 hectares of vines in the greatest respect for the terroir. The sustained effort of the father and son were rewarded in 2008 by the classification of the Castle to the rank of cru bourgeois. Since 2010, Michel Rolland, consultant oenologist very famous, provides advice and valuable information on winemaking. Book Castle elegant wines, tempting and delicious."

雖然國外這款酒的零售價格約在台幣400多元, 但是以這支酒的口感, 我相信大家可以先買一支來試試, 應該不會令你失望.

喝酒不開車, 開車不喝酒, 飲酒要適量喔

2 則留言:

  1. 板大是業界人士吧!連是不是Michel Rolland當顧問都喝得出來,好強啊

  2. 我只是酒喝的多了一點, 不是業內啊.
    這幾年很流行 Michael Rolland 的即時享樂風格, 因此波爾多大大小小有不少酒莊都找他來當顧問, 很容易就會喝到他經手過的紅酒. 多喝幾次就會認得出來了.
